The Second Birth 

The most successful, magnetic, original  humans I know are those who do not resist the cycles of death & rebirth'. 

Today I am celebrating my own messy and beautiful journey!!

The way life was teaching me last year was rough and full of the deepest gifts. I enter 2025 as sober as I have ever felt and this really is like another birth.

The second birth is a rite of passage that involves many contractions and expansions as we wake up to our true essence. Simultaneously our conditioning die's off and this feels scary to the ego, which torments us with limited thoughts like ''Who am I to want more'? 'Who am I to live my life the way I desire'? 'Who am I to ask for joy, success, or fulfillment when others are struggling'?

Our power resides in our capacity to accepts this Rite of Passage and its three stages:
1. Enclosure-withdrawing from the external distractions daily & descending within
2. Metamorphosis-the holy void; a liminal space where we're tested by facing our fears
3. Emergence-returning to our usual environment, imparted with new wisdom & identity. 
Surrendering to this rite of passage sounds a bit scary - I know I've felt that many times. But it's actually easier than holding everything together. When we hold we restrict our life force. When finally exhale, relinquish the burden of striving and efforting, lay down many masks we've created to feel safe, we flow with our erotic, original nature – we awaken to our wholeness – the rites of passage to a fully heart led life

An authentic modern "shaman" has embarked on a deep self awareness journey, delving into childhood traumas, beliefs, religious and social influences, and the programming of the collective unconscious.

Those following a in shamanic path  dedicate their entire lives to a continual process of self-awareness. If the shaman is not conscious of their "shadow" (subconscious part), not only are they unable to hold space for others to access their own "shadow," but their subconscious hidden influence can take the lead in the process.   

So this wild messy journey that I am currently celebrating is one I've been traversing for 8 years and still feel like a beginner. This is a life long journey and one we never become an expert in. 

The most magical part is accessing deepest of level of trust;  that is an embodied knowing that life is happening for us. It's the capacity to allow ourselves to be caught, to remain sober (intensely present to what life is teaching us everyday) and infusing our life with the courage to live from the heart - A'ho


Is your life force lagging?


The Holy Void