Energy Codes Coaching
When we explore our energy and chose to work with it in a way that feels intuitively guided, we are in fact channelling our creative energy. We can move energy with our intention, through meditation, breath and movement.
Healing is creativity
In my experience softening the grip of the mind, mastering the breath and moving the body with intention creates and maintains lasting energetic changes. Commitment to these energy based practices allows us to move from a life based on stories and subconscious programming that keep us stuck and playing small, to an expanded awareness of ourselves that understands our limitless potential.
We all have a tendency to live in our heads and approach life’s challenges from the cerebral level. In the energy codes coaching we get underneath the story that plays out in our head. The energy codes mastery is the process of access the intelligence of the body which is exponentially more powerful than just the mind.
How we manage our energy will dictate how we live our lives
Working with our energy is a fast-track approach to getting underneath our stories and the trauma that resides there. This trauma maybe ancestral, inner child or a recent life event that created a gap in the energy field.
This distortion in energy flow causes the cells to function asymmetrically. Over time this manifests as a physical symptom, a felt emotion or patterns if thinking that we continue to replay, revisiting the story and hard wiring unhealthy ways of being.
Out of the head and into the body
It's never too late to unlock and recalibrate our energy signature. Energy codes coaching is all about rebuilding and creating new energy circuity. The emerging fields of neuroplasticity and epigenetics reveal that our brains and our genetic expression are not fixed. We can learn new skills and unwind self-destructive patterns at any age. We now know that relates to our energy too. The more we get out of the head and into the body the easier this becomes.
Accessing ancient wisdom
Our ancestors and Indigenous cultures tapped into these powerful healing approached but they were marginalised, particularly in western cultures who became disconnected from their innate capacity to heal and moved into living in their heads.
When I reconnected with my own body by paying attention to it I was able to heal. Now I use energy medicine to stay in balance and I have witnessed many other do the same.
“This is an incredibly powerful process that sets the foundations for energy mastery. When we master our energy, we become the creator of our lives. We move from a protective personality that reacts to life events, to fully embodying the greatness of who we are.”
— Louise Harris
Why energy codes coaching and energy mastery?
Our ego mind goes into battle with us when we begin to make these shifts. It wants to keep us safe which means playing small, and not being seen.
Being in a co-active coaching relationship, the coach holds a sacred space for the client, free from judgment. We are all creative resourceful and whole. We are not broken, and the coach holds the client as whole.
Every obstacle and life event is an opportunity to grow and expand and energy coaching supports the client to access that potential, keeping them on track, asking the big questions to support the clients to access their innate wisdom. This is a soul-to-soul heart centred coaching experience. Are you ready?