The Holy Void

I find my students intentionality for transformation astonishing and inspiring!

As we move towards the darkest days of the year before the light returns my students are wintering. Instead to being pulled into the seasonal entertainment, they are leaning into their feminine wisdom and allowing the naturally occurring holy void experience. 

On Saturday's Winter Solstice we'll be celebrating the returning of the light. Right now it's a potent time to be in stillness. By honouring our need for rest and restoration, we replenish our inner reserves and prepare ourselves for the emergence of new growth.

Look out at nature - she's teaching us about the cycle of death and rebirth. If we have leaned into the holy void and gifted ourselves the medicine of being with anything within us that is ready to die, when the sun returns we flourish.  

Darkness has been stripped of its initiatory power and its spiritual meaning. Our Western society has lost the knowledge of death and rebirth, creation and destruction, rising and falling, the interplay between light and dark. Without elders to learn from, villages to belong to, and the archetypal myths to initiate our psyches, life can seem like a random array of meaningless events. We strive for entertainment and rush forward to escape pain without honoring endings of life's cycles.

Descent into the dark mystery can also be about pleasure, orgasm, the deepest divine connection.  It is always the realm of the unknown, and mystery. When we have the courage to move towards and walk the path less travelled we grow exponentially and life mirrors  that growth back to us.  

The theme for this months Abide in your true essence community is magnetism. Specifically magnetising our true essence desires, not the desires of the ego.  All the women in this container are leaders in their own fields; successful, magnetic, original leaders that do not resist the cycles of death & rebirth and so they keep evolving!!!

Dare descend into your body, womb, sexual energy & emotion - where your power resides 

Surrendering is easier than holding everything together. When we hold we restrict our life force. When we learn to let go, we finally exhale, relinquish the burden of striving and efforting and we flow with our erotic nature – we awaken to our wholeness – the rite of passage to a fully heart led life. Join me on this journey in 2025 with a sacred container curated to support your own metamorphosis and emergence!


The Second Birth 


The Feminine Process of Creation