Mindful Being

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What's Your Abundance & Pleasure Threshold?

This month the abide in your true essence community are exploring abundance. Abundance is the art of cultivating lasting prosperity.

Prosperity encompasses all aspect of our life, finances, relationships, sharing our gifts, health, and experiencing more freedom in creating our heart desires, intimacy and much more...

As beings on a self-growth, healing path we get brought face to face with our wounds that block abundance.

Leaving a well paid corporate job to pursue my passion brought up many of my limited beliefs and wounds around security. There's nothing like pursuing a soul led business to highlight your energetic inner glass ceiling!

Like all polarities that we experience on this human journey abundance or scarcity, pain & pleasure sit at opposite sides of the same coin.
Holding these polarities is a practice
that we are exploring this month.

 Our capacity to receive and to hold is linked to our nervous system.
We can try every manifestation technique under the sun, but if our nervous system is wired for ' lack' in that area will have a hard time receiving and sustaining what we are calling in. 

I first became aware of this in my own life in the area of intimacy and pleasure. I observed an upper limit to what I could hold. When I started receive I noticed myself coming out of my body and into my head and bringing myself out of the experience. Then a whole rabbit hole unfolded, i'll share another day.

If you are curious about your own upper limits, how your energy is wired and how to rewire this for abundance and pleasure, this is something we cover in energy coaching sessions- see link below. 

Try this now... close your eyes and feel into that which you deeply desire. Dial up this image - feeling and sensing. Get curious about what comes up. Are there any beliefs or stories about what would happen if you received what you desire? what would have to change for you? what would you have to give up? does your body feel safe in receiving this....stay curious and enjoy this self enquiry.