What Supports Your Deep Yearnings?

Understanding the barriers to calling in our deeper longings is the journey of deep self enquiry 

 "Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us'" 
Marianne Williamson

Illuminating the unconscious barriers that stop us stepping into our true passions and purpose and experiencing the pleasure zone is shadow work. It's the journey I've been of introspection that may sound scary but it's the only pathway to access our innate gifts and to
embody and fully express them.

"It takes courage...to endure the sharp pains of self discovery rather than choose to take the dull pain of unconsciousness that would last the rest of our lives".

Michael B. Beckwith

The courage to keep turning the lense of awareness inwards becomes easier as you develop more and more trust in the process. 

"As you move outside of your comfort zone, what was once unknown and frightening becomes your new normal"
Robin S Sharma


A great question to ponder is at what subtle level am I suppressing the rising of my own true nature? You might want to journal this under this new moon energy. If you have some ceremonial cacao, invite in the spirit of cacao to help you access this inner wisdom.

My own journey of deep self enquiry has involved shedding old conditioning that made me feel safe but disconnected. Dismantling the old beliefs systems, patterns and habits has felt vulnerable but has brought me closer to my true essence. Embracing our true essence is an embodied experience of coming home inside of ourselves that feels like ease and bliss and allows more grace to unfuse our lives.  

'When you embrace and embody your true essence, wherever you go you are at home. To embrace that essence you must come to know and then accept all parts of yourself- light and shadow'
Louise Harris 

If you feel ready to embrace the true essence path, the journey is commencing again soon. On October 27th the 4 week
embrace your true essence journey starts. On the 1st November the 8 week embody your true essence immersion begins. These ever evolving courses are curated to empower you conscious seekers to unlock you latent potential, aiding you on your journey of self-discovery and unique self-expression.



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What's Your Unique Gift To Humanity?