Mindful Being

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Dispel The Dogma & Keep It Simple

'True greatness is a constant evolving into the greater expression of who you are and what’s trying to express in your life'.
Michael B. Beckwith

The field of spirituality is expansive. There is much noise these days around how this path should look. Idealising a specific path feels more like religious dogma.
The spiritual journey of each of us is beautifully unique. Just like each of us, there are so many subtle differences to the way in which we wake up to the truth of who we really are.

I love exploring, practicing and embodying what I feel called to. There is no correct path – all roads to self are equally valid.

My own journey has been far from linear but has kind of gone along these lines; Yoga & Pranayama, Mindfulness, Reiki healing, vedic astrology shamanic healing, gene keys, energy coaching, shadow work, conscious breathwork Tantra, self pleasure, feminine healing, plant medicine....

Your own path will be your own unique journey. I always say 'follow what feels good' and you can't go wrong.

I have created some platforms that support my students to gently build their own spiritual explorations, based in what has worked for me and this continue to evolve. The true essence path is simply one template that may speak to you. 

In trying simplify the overarching themes that all these strands of spirituality encompass, I have distilled these 3

Presence (this is interchangeable with breath) when we are present in any moment we are attentive to our breath

Awareness – this is self awareness – an awareness of our trigger points, our patterns that we developed for our survival

Energy –  embodied knowing that we are energy, which can also come through the breath.