Blind Spots
'Lack of seeing perpetuates patterns of suffering'
Louise Harris
We can't always see what it is about us that is creating the circumstances we are living out – we all have blind spots!!
As a coach I facilitate the conditions to help my students make the unconscious conscious. I am also deeply devoted to working with experts to help me illuminate my own blind spots so that I can keep raising my own inner glass ceiling.
By design, we block ourselves from seeing what we (unconsciously) perceive as unsafe to change. Even if we swear, we don't want these circumstances and swear that we are 100% are committed to changing them.
Safety is our is survival instincts and its priority. Our unconscious will keep us safe at all costs, even if that safety is causing us suffering.
These survival strategies are connected to our early life experiences. So the patterned responses become so merged with our way of being we are blind to them.
'Trauma is not what happens to us, it’s the unprocessed material that gets left behind after the traumatic event which creates limitation and constriction in our bodies, nervous systems and minds. When a situation arises which is similar to that which created the trauma, our reactions are limited to a triggered and automatic response'.
Gabor Mate
So essentially we never really mature beyond the trauma response. That part is frozen in time. This is why I see many students flourish in areas of abundance, success at work, creativity but there relationships are unfulfilling. For others, they have deeply intimate and connected relationships but there's lack flow with financial resources.
Our dysfunctional patterns are wired into our energetic and neural circuitry, requiring us to commit to some devotional self enquiry and practices that help illuminate and pattern interrupt to unbind us from these limited ways of being.
Live authentically and embrace your unique gifts and purpose.
The true essence path initiates students on a path of self enquiry and introduces powerful daily rituals, meditations and breathwork practices that start to unblind them!!