Mindful Being

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Becoming an instinctual being

Connecting daily with the pulse of my instinctual nature allows me to catch the natural rhythms and flow of my innate essence - the most empowering place to reside.

When the true essence journey was first revealed to me as a pathway for deep self discovery and enlightenment, I had no idea of the many gifts it would keep on giving me and those who have also embraced the journey. 

During these last few months there has been a deepening of this true essence wisdom as an embodied primal pulse that has been moving through me and lifting the veils to some conditioned ways of being that have kept me playing life safe but bound. 

Our ancient ancestors were in touch with their instinctive innate essence.  Deeply connected with nature and their primal instincts that kept them safe. These days we are mostly indoors, staring at screens and in our heads. We spend most of our days cycling through the same thoughts, feelings and ways of being. 

But we can step out of time and remember our true nature and when we move from there our life changes. We open up the magic, synchronicities and primal pulses that feel like the truth. It's a connection with our sensuality and it feels like coming home!!

For me this has been through stillness and body wisdom. My daily practices are no longer something that I must make time for. They are the most ecstatic moments of my day that weave through the rest of my life, attracting situations, people and experiences that match my soul essence not my conditioned protective personality.  

If you feel called the join the journey of gifts that keep giving and courses that are forever evolving explore below...

Read more about the true essence journey