Mindful Being

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What’s Your Real Job In This Life?

Our soul's purpose is to open ourselves completely to love and express divine beauty without shame or inhibition

That may sounds like some hippie ideal and yet we can all do this!
When our soul blossoms like the petals of a flower unfurling, our true essence expresses. The more we express this, the more we attract – our life unfolds into what it came here for – to grow, to expand, to become self aware, to awaken and to become wise.
Flowers are symbolic of our souls awakening – the flower is like a sacred mandala for each us, teaching us to trust in our vulnerability and the strength in our softness – to fully express our fullness.
Dive deep to rise high
Just like a seed growing in the dark soil, we must be willing to descend into the deepest, darkest parts of our human experience. As we do, we grow strong roots that allows us to access the light of the sun that will arouse our highest potential which has been laying dormant until we are ready to awaken to it.
Once awakened our real job is to align ourselves with the frequency of this potential to call it in
In the 
abide in your true essence community we are committed to restoring true acts of love, self love, brotherly love sisterly love, loving service to one's community, devotional love, romantic love and erotic love. To do that we must face all that is not loving and take full responsibility for healing it – this is all our responsibility.
So whatever your day job is, how are you awaking to more love? This is the love that will eventually restore peace in the world – it begins with our love.

When we are hurt, wounded by past events and conditioning our hearts harden, we close off in protection. This feels safer but when we close our frequency lowers and our life force energy stops flowing, our bodies deteriorate, we age and we are not fulfilling our real job.
When we heal and free up the blocks to our life force, we become vital, we move through life gracefully and we can start aging backwards as we begin to really live the life our soul came to live. When we call in the path that aligns with this higher expression of ourselves we prosper in all areas. There are no blocks to our abundance be it financial, creative or relational. We come to know that we create our own reality and it all begins with healing.
If you are new to the healing path there are many ways to begin your journey, some of which I share in the the
mindful being community.
‘We are now entering the Aquarian Age and experiencing a quantum shift in consciousness. Our greatest challenge is to transcend fear. Fear creates separation. Fear speaks power to protect itself, creating conflict. The light of awareness heals the dark confusion of fear by dispelling it’s illusion’

 'Softening the shields around our hearts and our wombs awakens us to our sweetness, tenderness, aliveness that is our true essence'
Louise Harris