Mindful Being

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Honour Your Deep Desires

Ecstasy is what happens when Kundalini/shakti has transmuted a vast amount of sexual energy up the spinal highway'. 
Biology of Awakening 

The human nervous system has a far greater capacity for pleasure, ecstasy and euphoria than we understand. It is actually built for these energies, so much so that every human being has a profound inner-drive to experience these energies, but simply doesn’t know how to facilitate them naturally.

Instead, we look for these energies through external means such as sex, drugs, alcohol, adrenaline fuelled activities, etc. All of these can certainly deliver fleeting glimpses of pleasure and ecstasy, but they quickly wear off because they are not being created from within.

Bliss consciousness is the cultivation of inner pleasure, ecstasy and euphoria from long-term spiritual effort. We no longer need to go out searching for it, because we have found within ourselves that infinite supply of Source, the well which never runs dry. It is the long-term rewards of our devotional practice. 

The awakening of the heart energy throughout the nervous system, is felt inside as ecstatic conductivity and bliss consciousness.

1. Take a moment and sit very still, just as in meditation. Begin breathing slow, long and deep breaths in and out through your nose.

2. As you breathe, feel as if you are sweeping energy upwards from the pelvis all the way up the body through the crown.

3. Pay very close attention to the movement of energy happening within while you breathe.

Can you feel the subtle current(s) moving through the body?

Can you feel that this energy is actually pleasant?

Do this for a few minutes so that you feel this sensation building in intensity with each breath.

This is a quick and simple way to get used to feeling your own energy. As you cultivate this kind of relationship with your own energy, you will begin to realise that energy itself feel inherently blissful.  Energy is bliss! And even more than that, you are energy itself. Which means you are bliss itself!

When we achieve bliss consciousness to any degree, it brings out the best in us. We actualize our divine potential. 

If you feel drawn to learning to cultivate your life force energy explore embody higher frequencies and watch here