Mindful Being

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Becoming A Body Led Being Is Orgasmic

An orgasmic experience that’s available in any moment!


How happy is your body vehicle?

How much do you listen to your body and intuition?

How alive are your chakras and your life force?

For me, life quality is about going to bed every night feeling....
"this day was so worth it!"
My days are often very, simple but there’s a rich tapestry of energy that I am connected with around me but mostly inside me! 

Everyday fulfilment is the bliss point that we came into this life to experience. Not the hustle and grind of the material world, pushing us to be more and do more.

Do you find yourself counting the days to the weekend, the holidays, or years from now when the kids have grown up or when you finally have enough money or freedom to work less?


If your mind is the most alive part of you, I dare to say that you are missing out on a lot. This is the trap for many of us. We are conditioned to think that success comes from making the right decisions with our mind.

Are you curious to explore something else than the incessant chatter of your mind? To come back to the inherent intelligence of your body.

That is where your heart and soul live. That is where you find true guidance.


It’s true that the body never lies.
But instead of listening to the body we can get stuck in our heads. For some of us we disassociated from the body and are unable to be intimate with the life in front of us because our past trauma doesn’t allow us to trust the physical form - the  body doesn't feels safe. Over time this can lead to

Right now we are navigating the eclipse energy, which brings into our awareness anything that is not in alignment with our highest life. Yes this feels uncomfortable.
Being able to be in the body is the safest place to navigate from.

When we practice body awareness and really being inside the body vessel – with all our senses dialled up, we become deeply connected with the ecstasy of our own life force moving through us. We can literally drop inside and feel organismic.

This doesn’t happen overnight. We have to practice being with every feeling. That includes all the the icky ones, before we can fully embrace the fullness of who we are – spirit in a human body.

When we really feel into that, its  something that we have no words for.

Imagine cultivating the capacity to reside in a pace where there is a trace of this energy pulsing through us in every moment – the bliss body.

What do you want more than that?