Mindful Being

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Are you comfortable with your messy?

We resolve to evolve because we don’t want the angst of staying the same—having the same thoughts, complaints, perceptions, points of view, and positionalities—day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. The divine Universe is progressive and is always cosmically nudging us into greater expressions of ourselves. But this doesn’t just happen; it happens according to our consciousness and our participation'

Michael B. Beckwith 

Do you see yourself as someone who takes responsibility for your dreams and desires?

Or do you feel like you put them on hold?

When the voice of our ego speaks louder than the softer intuitive nudges of our souls essence, we can stay in the illusion of happiness – short lived busts of dopamine and excitement in response to external stimulus, rather than the sustained sense of wholeness that is unwavering.

When we continue to live a life fuelled by external gratification, we perpetuate the illusion of joy and it becomes our default mode and our deeper desires get suppressed by our nervous systems need for safety and patterned behaviours that keep us stuck.
Breaking out of ways of being is not easy and why so many of us take a long time to get to it, or never get to it at all.

There is something ‘messy’ that needs to happen because we have to unplug from our conditioning and that requires some ego deaths.
The fear of these deaths is what keeps us stuck.

We humans love control. Which is strictly speaking an illusion of control. Since birth, we have feared death, the quintessential loss of control. So everything we do is a defiant act to prevent death—or the other things we tend to eschew, like pain, shame and rejection.

So our capacity to take full responsibility for dreams and desires is proportional to our capacity to face death – to get messy and die to all that is no longer serving our souls yearning.

This requires courage, devotion and  trust in something beyond the self.

If you have reached that stage in your life when you are ready for some mini deaths to birth your true essence which feels like you have come home to wholeness and a safety inside you no matter what the external circumstances bring, I invite you to explore the true essence path